Everything is Frequency
The law of vibration, suggests that everything (every atom, object, and living thing) is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency.
According to some astrophysicists, String theory is the idea that everything in the universe, every particle of light and matter, is comprised of vibrating strings which are billions of times smaller than an individual proton within an atomic nucleus. Vibrating at billions of times per second in up to twenty-six dimensions!
A Swiss mathematician and musicologist Hans Cousto, discovered in 1978, the natural law of the Cosmic Octave as a link between different kinds of natural phenomena: the orbit of the planets, colours, rhythms, and tones.
“Bioresonance”: ‘bio’ is short for ‘living’ or ‘life.’ ‘Resonance’ is when one object vibrates at the same natural frequency as a second object and forces that second object into unison.
“Our bodies have their own intelligence and is always seeking to restore homeostasis. When we are centered, we sustain a high frequency and are empowered. When we are in our inherent homeostasis we are able to embody integrity and honesty, speak and live our truths and be in alignment with our authentic selves.” ….Vera