What are the benefits of the Personal FiZiQ Vizual Rezonance Remedy?
I’m glad you asked! I would want to know as well. ….but first, a bit of humour to make a point.
I love the line from Monty Python’s movie: ‘Life of Brian’, where Brian says to the crowd below – ‘You’re all individuals!”
The crowd replies, “Yes we’re all individuals.’
Brian: “You’re all different!”
The crowd replies: “Yes we’re all different!”
Then someone quietly responds: “I’m not!”

The reason you are even reading this post is because you are an individual and you are different. We are all vibrating in our own specific frequency field, which is constantly changing and adapting moment to moment, reacting to influences in our environment, our emotions, out thoughts, and in our interactions with those around us.
When I have clients come to see me in clinic, I like to help them see how wonderful they and their bodies are in giving them a music analogy.
“Our bodies are like the best orchestra that ever was and we have the most amazing intuitive conductor who is sensitive and keen on every single note played by every single musician in the orchestra. The music that is being played is the most beautiful sound in the Universe.
When we are out of balance, not feeling well, it is like a beginner bagpipe player has walked in and sat down next to the 1st violins and has started bellowing some awful sounds. The orchestra keeps playing, but it can upset a few musicians and they may start to miss some notes here and there.”
Actively experiencing a FiZiQ Vizual Rezonance Remedy is like the 1st violin musician whispering to the beginner bagpipe player kindly, “You are in the wrong hall. Your practice room is down the corridor.” The beginner bagpipe player is so embarrassed he has made the mistake, that he gets up as quietly as he can and leaves the hall.
Very quickly, frequency homeostasis is restored and beautiful music once again fills the world of “YOU”.
In having your own personal Music Blue Print created from your Natal Birth Chart, I can create your own individual frequency to help you become more of who you are, what you came here to be and do, to help you realise your potential in your truth. Added to this Frequency Blue Print, I create a visual video that is intuitively created for you. From your BioRezonance session I imprint further balancing frequencies to your Vizual Frequency Blue Print to create your special individual FiZiQ Remedy. The FiZiQ Vizual Rezonance process can take between 10-15 hours of creative work to complete. Truly a labour of love! It is the culmination of over 40 years of knowledge, passion and experience of travelling on my path that I can now offer a healing modality that is truly unique but is also unique for you.
Once your individual Frequency Blue Print and Vizual video have been created, they are held on file and can be re-imprinted with follow up sessions to help you continue your journey. Personal FiZiQ Vizual Rezonance Remedies are prescribed similar to a homeopathic frequency remedy, in that you would experience the FiZIQ remedy 2 x daily, for a set period determined by the BioRezonance Test.

For best results:
Sit or lay down quietly, where you will not be disturbed or distracted for a few minutes.
Make sure you have a glass of water near by.
Prepare by taking a few long, deep, slow breaths before pressing the play button and experiencing your FiZiQ Vizual Rezonance remedy.
Once finished, close your eyes and allow the music, frequencies and visuals dance around you until all is quiet and still.
Open your eyes and take a few long, deep, slow breaths again.
Slowly sip your water, as it has been imprinted by the FiZiQ Vizual Rezonance Remedy while you were experiencing it.
Continue with your day knowing that you are creating beautiful Music wherever you are,
because your body, mind and soul once again are in restored frequency homeostasis.