FiZiQ and Furry Loved Ones
I was so pleased to get this happy story from a dear friend of mine today, who absolutely adores her cats. She is an amazing lady who takes in all furry felines that need food and shelter.
She wrote: Hi Darling, got something interesting for you. One of my cats, BB (short for Baby Blue) is depressed & distressed, pupils dilated, not eating much.
I played him your “LOVE” FiZiQ and he was very interested! His pupils narrowed immediately and he showed more interest in food. I kept playing “LOVE” for him as I was feeding the other cats.
As I’ve been writing to you, BB, has calmly been eating his food.
I’m so grateful, thank you sweetheart! Xoxx 🙏😍🥰😘💖 Natasha
LOVE for our furry loved ones – how beautiful! I’m so glad BB is on the mend!
It is incredible that after hearing the “Love” clip several times yesterday morning, BB has noticeably picked up! He ate all his food last night & most of it this morning. He’s also back to his alert, inquisitive & cheeky self, so good to see! Thank you Vera! Xoxx❤️

LOVE - FiZiQ Vizual Rezonance Remedy
After the success with BB, I decided to give another one of my cats, Indi, a dose of the “Love” clip.
Indi is an older cat who, after being sick a while ago, has developed some issues with his digestion. He’s getting better but isn’t quite there yet.
Anyway, I played him “Love” & he was fascinated with it, even pawing the screen of my phone, sometimes accidentally stopping the clip, then looking to see what happened. He ate his food quite well but, instead of going to his bed, he just sat quietly in the spot where he was listening to the clip, almost as if he was meditating. I will be on the look out for any improvements to Indi! Xoxx 🐈⬛💕