It's All In The Numbers!
I love it when I receive testimonials from clients about the effectiveness of my FiZiQ Vizual Rezonant Remedies, that is undeniable! Numbers don’t lie!
J is a SCENAR Medical Technology student of mine and often is doing self treatments with her SCENAR Pro Essential C device.
(In SCENAR when we treat using the digital settings, we can see the Initial Reaction from the body that basically tells us how well the body is functioning. I explain it to my clients and students that our body is like a car engine, we want to see how many cylinders are functioning and what the oil is like. If the oil and cylinders are working well, the body will have the resources to restore function and address pain. For ease of explanation; we measure 5 ‘cylinders’ (correct term – corridors of reaction) in the body. For a fully functioning body we need all 5 cylinders to be evident. These cylinders are represented by number groupings. So in an active fully functioning body we want to see numbers ranging from mid teens to above 60. For example, when we see mostly low numbers, the body has little resources to make the improvements to health or resolve issues.)
This is J’s experience: I had been treating myself using the ‘Miracle Hands Points’ (this is completed on both hands) protocol with my Scenar Pro Essential C at the end of September and early October prior to using the FiZiQ Vizual Rezonant Remedies. My numbers were all below 20, yet I didn’t feel too ill, apart from fatigue.
After watching the FiZiQ Remedies for a week, I treated myself with the ‘Miracle Hands Points’ once again. My numbers were in the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and even above 60 – considerably higher! I was so surprised 😮 and excited!
So there you go …another awesome reason to watch the FiZiQ Vizual Rezonant Remedies!! Not that you don’t already know that 🤣🤣
I have attached what J sent me (with permission) as a recording of her ‘numbers’.
Congratulations J and thank you so much for your testimonial!
It’s all in the numbers!
In signing up for the FREE Subscription, you will be able to experience a few of the FiZiQ Vizual Rezonant Remedies for yourself. If it resonates with you then a monthly Paid GOLD ($16.99) or SILVER ($8.99) Subscription will give you access to the FiZiQ Vizual Rezonant Remedies. I am continually adding more FiZiQs!

In the above photo, I have circled all the relevant numbers in red, which we call Initial Reaction numbers. These are the initial responses the SCENAR records when the SCENAR is first placed on the skin. It shows where the body’s capacity for health and healing is in this moment.
You can see with this treatment on the 6th October 2023, J’s numbers were within the range of 13-17 – only 1 ‘cylinder’ present, indicating very low resources in the body. Possible symptoms can be experienced such as fatigue, mental sluggishness etc.

In the above photo from 20th October 2023, after J watching FiZIQ Vizual Rezonant Remedies for a week, you can see the circled numbers have dramatically increased within a range of between 21-63! Her body is now functioning on 4 ‘cylinders’! This indicates that the body has now a greater capacity to address issues and has the energy to meet life head on more fully. J’s earlier symptoms would have abated and she would have more energy to get up and go. Woo Hoo!