Can FiZiQ Vizual Rezonant Remedies affect DNA?
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality that you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.”
— Albert Einstein
Our body is affected by sound and light waves. One of the biggest emanators of light is our Sun, which our body needs to keep our immune system healthy. Did you know that the Sun also emanates sound? It has a frequency of 126.22 Hz. Have a Listen
Sound and light are different wave lengths on the same spectrum.

DNA reacts to sound and light waves.
All dis-ease and dysfunction has a spiritual/energetic root cause. When you neglect your energy field, be it mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually, your body can exhibit symptoms of dysfunction and toxicity. Your field becomes imbalanced and your frequency lowers, causing symptoms of fatigue, foggy brain and feeling poorly etc. The normal healthy frequency range of the human body is around 52 – 70hz. The death process starts around 20hz. To keep your frequency up, eat good food, stay hydrated, be around positive people, have happy thoughts, do what you love – the list is endless!
One of the major functions of our DNA is that it receives and transmits energy. Our DNA receives energetic information from the environment and interacts with it directly. It responds with the activation of appropriate genes to address the imbalances as a result of the environment we find ourselves in.

Some years ago I came across a study by a Russian team, led by biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev, who paired linguists with geneticists in a study to test the impact of vibration and language on human DNA. HERE They concluded that our DNA stores data like a computer’s memory system and our genetic code uses grammar rules that resemble human language. They also discovered that living human DNA can be changed and rearranged with spoken words and phrases by using frequency. Through the application of modulated radio and light frequencies, the Russian scientists were able to influence cellular metabolism and even remedy genetic defects.

Photo of an ice crystal after the song “Edelweiss” from The Sound of Music was played to it.
I am reminded of Matsuru Emoto’s work, where he demonstrated that water is shaped by environment, thoughts and emotions. HERE

Photo of an ice crystal after the words ‘Love and Gratitude’ were written on the glass of water.
In my meanderings I found another study that talked about the Phantom DNA Effect. A Russian scientist, Dr. Peter Gariaev, put DNA in a quartz container and projected a mild laser through it. He found the DNA absorbed the photons, storing them in a cork-screw shaped spiral. After the experiments, the quartz vial with the DNA in it was removed and put aside. Some time later, he observed that his lab equipment was still detecting the photons of light spiralling in the same cork-screw spiral as if the DNA was still present! The spiral was visible for a further 30 days. HERE
And finally, I thought this was an interesting opinion piece by Linda Gadbois. HERE.
“DNA is actually composed of a liquid crystalline substance that acts as a form of antenna, receiver, and transmitter of holographic information. It’s constantly in the process of taking in information from its environment and the ether as signs, archetypes, and imagery and translating it into holograms. It operates predominately out of radionics where whatever frequency its tuned to, is acts as a receiver for various forms of information within that same frequency that comes in as an acoustic wave that serves to form an electromagnetic field (EMF) as a holographic shape that’s composed initially of subtle energy, which provides the blueprint or spatial mapping for constructing an exact replica as its material equivalent. Information inherent in the Ether (Akasha) always comes as a “pairing” or “wave coupling” (like the double helix) that contains both an acoustic sound and optical (visual) image as the geometric patterning inherent in the vibratory frequency.”
I believe with these above experiments and studies it helps explain partly the mechanisms behind the effectiveness on our bodies of sound, light and imprinted frequencies communicated through the FiZiQ Vizual Frequency Remedies.
I created FiZIQ, through an amalgamation of years of learning, experimenting and passion in all things related to frequency, vibration and health. But the most important ingredient was my intuition, inner knowing and belief. I have been on a quest for many years to bring forth a healing modality that would be of real benefit.
We are now in a time and place where the FiZiQ technology can be accessed by all. I offer FiZiQ to you as another tool in your toolbox for health and wellbeing.
INNER DEFENSE FiZiQ defends and boosts the immune system. It’s powerful, calming and restorative.
In addition to ‘an apple a day….’, INNER DEFENSE FiZiQ will make sure the immune system is healthy and will help to restore its homeostasis. Watch as frequently as needed when out of balance or watch daily as a maintenance dose.
Make sure to rest, drink plenty of water and eat good fresh food when the body is healing. You can’t run a marathon if you are healing!