What Is Hierogamic Union?
Let’s break down the words. We understand the word ‘Union’, – really? I’m not sure that we do. Are we in union with ourselves? What does that even mean? Do a quick search and you’ll get the first definition as: ‘The act of uniting or the state of being united.’ That doesn’t really help much. Look a bit further and you get: ‘Union is a noun that means an act or instance of uniting or joining two or more things into one.’ That definition is a bit better, but it still doesn’t explain it to me. These definitions are all referring to something outside of ourselves – they are referencing seperate entities. I don’t get any feeling of ‘union’ from those definitions – so, I’m tossing them.
We have been taught that to be complete we need to find our ‘other’, our ‘twin flame’, etc. Still all concepts of finding someone outside of ourselves to make us feel complete within ourselves. That never made sense to me. We had been given an impossible task. How can we expect something or someone outside of ourselves to complete or make us whole? It’s not like you can get your partner to jump inside your skin – emotionally, mentally, physically or even spiritually. Tossing that one too!
I’m going to segue here for a moment, but hopefully you’ll see where I’m going with this. I often have clients come into clinic, having been taught by allopathic medicine, that their issue is ‘this label’. I explain to them that the body doesn’t understand what ‘x-a-mo-to-sis’ means (I made that up, so don’t drive yourself crazy trying to look it up!), we treat the whole body and all aspects (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual) are affected through a holistic approach. Our bodies are ONE and everything is connected. I then ask them: “How did we start life?” We started as the UNION of the feminine principle (egg) and the masculine principle (sperm). At that UNION a spark of energy occurs. This SPARK is who we are, it is creation and it is always within us – we just forget. From that spark the creation of US evolves cell by cell. Watch the amazing footage attached.
When you see that we have that spark from conception and we emerge as this amazing human being, you can’t but be in awe of who and what we are and how incredibly special and powerful we are. We are AWESOME!
Now to move onto the next words of the phrase ‘Hierogamic Union’. What is Hierogamic? Hierogamic is from ‘hieros’, meaning “holy” or “sacred” and gamos meaning “marriage”. In the mundane sense it is often referred to as a “sacred marriage that plays out between gods, especially when enacted in a symbolic ritual where human participants represent the deities.” But this reference can also be perceived as a deeper metaphor. What I believe it actually means is, the perfected being of balance in the coming together and union of the feminine and masculine principles within us. Thus reigniting that initial SPARK of light and creation to be able to evolve further in this plane of existence, bringing down within our connection to ALL THAT IS – To fulfil our destiny here at this time.
HIEROGAMIC UNION FiZiQ assists us to bring forth the union of ourselves – both the feminine principle and the masculine principle. “To biologically evolve spiritually the energetic balance between the masculine and feminine energies within the self must be unified.” (1)
Through HIEROGAMIC UNION FiZiQ, we can assist the activation of the counter rotating spirals of the masculine and feminine energies within us so that we can energetically be in union with our inner light.
When we are in energetic balance, have embodied ‘Hierogamic Union’, we can gracefully, authentically, and in love, further the experience of sharing this sacred union with another equal resonance walking our path on this earth.