THE VOICE and Body Health
Years ago I completed course study in Sound Healing. One of the aspects I found fascinating was a software program that was able to detect the health of the body through the voice. Its accuracy was astounding for that piece of technology of that time.
Our voice is a blueprint of the health of our body. Consider a simple example of when you greet someone and ask how they are, they might say, “Fine”. But you can tell from the tone in their voice and maybe facial or body language that they are not ‘Fine’.
Many people have done experiments with mapping out the frequency of voices and words. Below is an example of the massive difference between ” I’m so tired”, to ” I have energy”.

A bit of fun is to go here and speak into your device and have a short report generated. Below is a screenshot of a part of my report.

THE VOICE FiZiQ is the first in a new series balancing the 7 major ENERGY CENTRES of the body. THE VOICE FiZiQ addresses the energy centre of the throat area.
In recent times we have had to find our voice to stand and be heard, particularly when faced with challenges.
THE VOICE FiZiQ helps us do that with confidence, clarity and purpose.
Without our voice we have no standing and others will assume we agree to their way of thinking. When we don’t say anything, it’s often because we need processing time. So as to avoid any future misunderstandings, give yourself some empowering space by responding with: “Let me have a think on it!” Knowing self and expressing self through the voice is essential for us to live authentically.
THE VOICE can be used to help with any voice, throat, speech issues, dysfunction and imbalances.
This is available in the SILVER and GOLD Memberships.