Home is Where You Are!
What is ‘Home’? We often think that ‘home’ is a place where we are supported, feel safe, rest, are loved, find comfort, are with our family, where we are nurtured and restored. There is a ‘feeling’ that we create that makes our space ‘home’.
As a child I had a poster of the ‘galaxy’ on my bedroom wall. I looked at it everyday and believed ‘heaven’ was outside of the frame of the poster. ‘Heaven’ I equated with ‘home’ and where I was truly loved and nurtured. Looking at the stars gave me a sense of comfort and peace. It didn’t make sense, but I was a child and where I was didn’t make sense either!
For years I had an internal emptiness, loneliness and a grief feeling inside because I didn’t feel like I was ‘home’. I constantly was searching for ‘home’ in all sorts of places and people. The journey was long, tumultuous and fruitless.
It wasn’t until I realised that I wasn’t going to find it where I was, even though I loved my family and friends and made my house ‘homely’.
In my early 30’s I started to look inwards and asked all those big questions, hoping I would be guided in finding the answers. Why am I here? What is my purpose? What is out there in the Universe? Was there a creator? Where did I come from? What is Truth? Where is Home? Another long and tumultuous journey, which still continues!
I did find my home – it was where I was! My ‘home’ was where ever, when ever I was, is and will be. I found that in order to go ‘home’ all I had to do was go within and there I was waiting for me! What a relief! Years of searching and loneliness! I finally was at peace and could cope with being ‘here’. I started to get some direction and purpose and my life started to ease and flow more easily.
Having 4 inner planets in my fourth house of ‘home’ in my natal birth chart, it’s no wonder ‘home’ is a big deal! I was never going to find ‘home’ outside of myself or in others or in structures. ‘Home’ was what I brought to them and there/here we ‘injoy’ together!
You can’t give what you don’t have!
I still have a connection to ‘somewhere’ that isn’t ‘here’ in this time and place. However I carry that flame of that memory of ‘home’ eternally within and can be there in any moment.
WELCOME HOME FiZiQ has been brought forth to accompany us on our journey and to remind us that we are ‘home’ where ever and when ever we are. You will always be Welcomed HOME!
Watch WELCOME HOME FiZiQ whenever you need to go ‘home’ to remember, BE LOVE, to rest, rejuvenate, get connected, get centred and balanced, and find peace.
WELCOME HOME FiZiQ is available in the GOLD Membership.