I am reminded of Plato’s ‘Allegory of the Cave’ in writing about my latest FiZiQ – FREEDOM TO MOVE.
In Plato’s allegory, we are asked to imagine a group of people sitting in an underground cave, facing the walls. They are chained up and they cannot move their heads. Behind them, a fire is forever burning, and its flames cast shadows onto the cave walls. Reality, to these people chained in the cave, is only ever a copy of a copy: the shadows of the original forms which themselves remain beyond their view. In his allegory someone comes and unchains the people in the cave. Now they’re free.
We have the ability, the choice to be set free in any moment, once we have the realisation we create our reality and we have the choice to change it. Once we are free, we can then look towards the fire behind, where we were once ‘chained’, realising we now see that the things we took for reality were merely shadows on the wall of our perception and we now have the FREEDOM TO MOVE!
FREEDOM TO MOVE FiZiQ has been created for the purpose of breaking through our perceptions of blockages that hinder the freedom for us to move forward on our path and its associated emotions of frustration, anger, fear and fear of success.
Many of us perceive we can’t do something because of something, someone, circumstances, society, financial etc. Sometimes we aren’t even aware that we have created that situation to have a look at it and resolve it.
Everything is frequency and we can choose at what frequency range we want to ‘play’ in.
FREEDOM TO MOVE FiZiQ gives us the frequency tools to shift those pathways of perception to create a break through!